Pinterest Marketing Plan 2018. Free Pinterest Guide

Pinterest Marketing Plan 2018. Free Pinterest Guide. Pinterest Marketing plan is the most important to grow your pinterest business. Here You will get all of the tips and tricks about Pinterest Business 2018. 
Just follow us instruction and grow your Pinterest and Business so quickly! 

-Pinterest Guide-

An effective Social Media Marketing helps you to achieve your company’s goal.


Proper Goal Setup is most important. You can’t reach your finishing line without a strong GOAL.
Your Goal is to find a targeted audience and to engage them. You want also grow your traffic.

Just follow these simple steps……..

 Create your account

ü  Obviously You have to create your account with your nessch(Weight Loss).
ü  Use a nessch(Weight Loss) related profile picture.
ü  Do not blank any optional option to fill up. Use link where need (website & other social media).
ü  Create some board with related name.
ü  Pin some related post from your website.
ü  & Follow some related pinners(People).

Maintain a Routine

Daily Task
How many
Follow per day
20-30 connection per day
(20 min)
Unfollow per day
who not back follow (48 hours later)
(10 min)
Join some  related boards
Weight loss related 10-15 boards
(20 min)
Conversation with the targeted followers
Initially, 20 people per day (By liking & commenting on others page & profile)
(30 min)
Pin  content
pin 20-25 website related content
(20 min)
Market Research
Related groups, pins, pinners (engagement)
(20 min)
Hours to work
Total: 02.00hours

ÿ Tips for Pin: You have to use 4 different content pins.
*      Infographics Pins: Infographics is most important. It’s proved that infographics more effective than another pins.
*      Videos Pins: Videos Pins is one of the most visual content. It helps to know visually.
*      Text on Pining images:  Without any text an image post is not so attractive.  
*      Quotes Pins: Maximum products related pins could carry a bad site. So sometime have to use related and motivational quotes pins. It helps to get positive achievement.

Market Research

Market Research is most important.
Search with your related hashtags in pinterest site & see all of this happening.
What do use the Opponent.
Which content types is most attractive.
Read some blogs (Hootsuite, Buffer etc.)

Engageme Audience

You have to spend your valuable some of time for this. Client’s pins that is your related you can like and comment there.
You have to show there that you are active. And you are an important person to share something.
Suggested them to do some better. Or you can comment a positive comment.

Avoid Mistakes

Avoid some important mistakes. Don’t use any wrong way.

The Top 5 Making Mistake- 

  2. Underestimating. 
  4. E Mail Marketing and Posting Frequency
  5. NO CALL TO ACTION. (Clever copy and Beautiful designs are useless without a call to action to show for it.)

Related hashtags

Find out by searching your niches, competitor and location. 

What’ll happen?
o   Audience will find you and you will find them easily.
o   Easily can find Competitor.
o   Easily can find related pins.
o   Easily can find related board.
o   It works as SEO.
o   Help to increase your website traffic.
o   Your sale will increase.

*        Do not use too many hashtags.

Search Related Group Board:

Use hashtags for searching-

What’ll happen?
*        You will get most weight loss targeted audience here.
*        You can gather some valuable information from here.

What’ll do?
*        You will join some of weight loss boards daily.
*        You can try to be friend them.
*        After join you will try to engage the targeted person (like, comment).
*        You can question them about some of weight loss.
*        Obviously they would be targeted.
*        Try to create your personalize in this groups.

Search Related Competitor: 

Use hashtags to searching-

What’ll happen?
*        You can get some techniques form a Strong Competitors.
*        You will get some weight loss targeted audience from their follower. 

What’ll do?
*        Follow the Competitor.
*        You can follow opponent’s good content and all of the valuable techniques.
*        You can follow all of them. 

*        Do not try to copy all of competitor’s techniques.


Schedule Pins:

Buffer: Buffer is one of the most popular SMM tools. You can use it for schedule pins.  
Ninja Pinner: Ninja Pinner is also one of the most popular tools.

N. B.
·         Upload high quality picture and videos in your board.
·         For a Perfect Pinterest Business Account need at least 20 Boards and 50 pins in every board under.
·         Pin Regularly.
·         Don’t ignore group board.
·         Don’t just pin your own content.
·         Don’t make your profile hard to find.
·         Don’t Forget to Add Pin it Button to Your Site

For do Pinterest Maintain, Not so many works. Just follow 7 Step:
1.      Set up a GOAL;
2.      Define your AVATAR; (Related high regulation)
3.      Focus(Pinterest) this platform;
4.      Batch content Creation; (Content is head of a marketing platform)
5.      Post/Pin+ Board  & Schedule content;
6.      Research Market &
7.      Final step is Repeat steps 4 to 6.


{Social Media Marketing Plan is not so different from one to other platform}

Remember it………………..
If you can be an expert in Social Media’s (SM) single site, there are no site in this world how is difficult for you.
I want to tell you Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Linkedin, Google+ etc. all of this marketing plan is not so important. You can focus just one of them to learn.
Every Social Media Marketing site is often same.

v  JUST FOR YOU, without any hesitate to talk to me any problems that could. Actually, I am not for you just for deal. You can contact with me any time (after deal).

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