YouTube Professional Guide, YouTube Marketing Plan-2018

-YouTube Guide-
YouTube Marketing Plan 
Make money from YouTube


Youtube has massive traffic and viewers, with over 1,325,000,000 people using Youtube. There are currently 300 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute of every day – 5 hours of video content every second! Which only validates the fact that video marketing is the latest trend – the numbers said it all.

For online and offline Business owners and internet marketers, YouTube Marketing is an essential strategy to take advantage of the web's massive shift toward video. That's why it's so important to learn and test some strategies and to get help from Digital Organics right now.
It’s important that you reset the way you look at YouTube channels versus YouTube pages as you begin to think about YouTube strategically. You need to think of YouTube as a kind of second website. Your channel is the homepage that anchors your YouTube website. Your videos are the webpages.
Every video you have on your channel strengthens the website, because every video points back to your channel page. The more authoritative your channel/homepage becomes, the easier it becomes for your site to rank.

Need just these 6 steps to grow your YouTube channel and increase viewers:
  • Create a channel
  • Create videos;
  • Upload Videos
  • Marketing in your videos.
  • Marketing Research
  • Resolve 

Let’s Explain These Steps............

 ÿ Create a channel (1)- 

At first you have to create a channel-

i.      Select a Channel Name.
ii.      Setup a channel Picture and a Channel Art.
iii.    Add Social Media Site and Website link.
iv.     Put there about contact information.
v.      Give a summary description and must add the website link in your description.
vi.    Add your Channel with Google AdSense.

 ÿ  Create Videos (2)-

When deciding what content will work best on YouTube, this is a great list of ideas or questions to ask yourself before the creation process begins.  

o   Shareable − Will viewers share your videos?
o   Conversational − Is there an element of speaking directly to the audience?
o   Interactive − Can the audience interact with the content?
o   Consistent − Are there consistent elements to each episode?
o   Targeted − Is there a distinct audience your videos are targeting?
o   Discoverable − Will viewers discover your videos through search?
o   Accessible − Can a new viewer appreciate every episode?
o   Sustainable − If your audience loves it, can you make more of it?
o   Collaborative − Is there space for guests in your episodes?

o   Inspired − Are your videos coming from a place of true passion?

The video must has the following quality mandatory-

File Name: When saving your video, choose a keyword friendly file name (not the default time stamp assigned by the device).  

First 5 seconds: Input the main importance of these videos in first 5 seconds. Because First seconds is so important and depend to watching the next seconds and minutes continuing.

Resolution: Need High Resolution video. Clear and fresh video must needed. We must avoid a low resolution video.

 Length: Length is most important for a youtube adds. Make a video maximum 5 minutes. It’s better if your video has max 3 minutes. You know better that anyone don not like to watch more time if there are no fun or interesting scene. People who watch videos choose to go on or close videos after 20 seconds.
Make sure to start off energized, and get the important stuff in. Your audience will start to disappear over the length of your video. Wistia reported that for a video of 4-5 minutes, fewer than 60% of your viewers will still be with you–against 75% for a 1-2 minute video.
But if must need then we can create long videos.  And there are some facility is available for long video in youtube.

Mention to subscribe: At the ending time must mention to subscribe, like, comment & share. But if need then you can mention it before when need. Suppose our video content is so good and helpful. Many people have satisfied & they are interested to watch our next all videos, but they didn’t or forgot to subscribe our channel. But if you mention to subscribe then they will subscribe and didn’t forget.

ÿ Upload the Videos (3)-

Important Points to Note
You can keep your focus on the following points to become a YouTube rock-star:
o  You need to capture the curiosity of video consumers by creating unconventional content. 

o      You’ll need to ensure your video is discoverable.  

o   Consider joining hands with YouTube celebrities to enlist already curated audiences. 

o     Always ensure that the video links back to your website and includes a call-to- action.

Finally, make sure to be consistent with regular postings to the YouTube channel.   

Need to uploading:

Title Name: You have to select a related perfect title name. You video will be showing with this title name. And the audience will find this video by searching this title. It’s so important because there are so competitor in youtube and google against you. So you have to research after select this title name. Craft an SEO optimized title for your video by using relevant keywords. Be noticed for showing up first in search, not for forgetting to remove the file extension from your title.

Description: The key to optimizing your video description for search is including rich and relevant content. Don’t forget to include a URL at the beginning of the description with the, otherwise it won’t show up as a link.
Your description should be keyword rich and can include a full transcript of the video or a description of what it is about.

Tags: Don’t forget about tags. They allow you to add keywords that wouldn’t fit into the description naturally. Tags should be 1-2 words, with each set separated by a comma. Tags is so important, you should more care in this.

Categories: Choosing a category groups your video in with similar videos. This expands the reach of your vides, allowing new viewers to discover them.

Visibility: Make sure your visibility is set to public. Otherwise, all of your optimization attempts will have been in vain! So you have to care is it public or other.

Thumbnail: Don’t avoid this step. Auto thumbnail is not perfect, you should use a custom thumbnail for every videos. It’s most important to impress any viewers. It is showing as a profile photo after viewing this video. So you can choose an extra effective picture for this.
Your custom thumbnail image should be as large as possible, as the image will also be used as the preview image in the embedded player. We recommend your custom thumbnails: Have a resolution of 1280x720 (with minimum width of 640 pixels). Be uploaded in image formats such as .JPG, .GIF, .BMP, or .PNG.

Translation: Translation is not so important for publishing your video. But if you want then you can select this.

Monetization: Monetize with ads to your any video. It’s most important to get sense. But if you do not want to show any ads in your video then you can set it off.

Advanced Setting: There are some setting option you can set here all things. You can set comment, restriction, language, date setting, film and animation setting, Animation setting etc.

Publish: After all of the creation and setting then publish your video in a perfect and regular time.

Create Playlist: Playlist is important to find related videos to you audience. You should upload all videos under a playlist. You must create all playlist with related videos.

ÿ Marketing in your videos (4)–

Social Media: Social Media is so popular for any marketing. You can share your channel in your all social media sites. Must share some valuable video in your social media sites.
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest are so effective and helpful for your youtube marketing. You can share you videos in this all social media sites. You know all sites are support short video so you can post and share in there.
All of the social media sites are important but I highly recommended PINTEREST. PINTEREST allow pinning your all video. You can pin your all videos in PINTEREST different board.
After-all EVRY social media sites must helpful for your youtube channel.

Direct message, invite, post, share, comment, re-comment/reply all of these are a part of work.
Directly mailing is also so effective process to grow.

You can link your youtube channel in your bio of all social media account.
Use Hashtags to Extend Your Reach, Encourage Your Viewers to Share Your Videos

N.B: First of all, you need to give your YouTube viewers a reason to follow you on social media, and that means giving them unique content that they won’t get anywhere else. It also means that you need to avoid posting too much repeat content across different social media platforms.
For example, people might follow you on Instagram for behind-the-scenes images and sneak peeks of stills from your upcoming YouTube vlogs. Don’t just always cross-post those pictures to Facebook, though, or your followers won’t see any reason to follow you on both networks.

Influencer Engagement: Influencer’s is one most important site to grow your any business. We should try to engagement them .

Who are the influencer’s?
Social employer, Popular users, Blogger, Famous People, Most popular youtube users, The opinion leader, trendsetter, Reporter, Everybody customer, The networker (Social Butterfly), Product launcher, Social Enterpenhouship, the opinion leader they all are incliners.

How can we build relation with them?
1.       Communication is a contact sport, so do it early and often
2.       E-mail marketing keeps relationships strong on a shoestring budget
3.       Reward loyal customers, and they'll reward you
4.       Build your network--it's your sales lifeline
5.       Loyal customers are your best salespeople

Face to Face: Face to Face is most powerful Marketing site in ever. Your products or anything to marketing is most effective media is face to face. But it is not perfect to reach more people. Although it can help to reach some known people.

Paid or Other: You can use phone call for this or other electronic media for reached to more viewers.
Or you can setup a Paid method to grow your audience. To help drive more views and subscribers to your channel, you can pay to run an ad campaign for your videos on YouTube through AdWords for video. You can create an ad that could appear before a video starts, or alongside a video on its watch page on YouTube. All you have to do is create your ad, set your budget, and use the promotional tools below to reach the right audience. There's no minimum price to run an ad -- you can pay as little or as much as you like, and you can change your ads, targeting, and budgets at any time. You can also end your campaign whenever you want.

ÿ Market Research (5)-

There is no option to Research. Research is so necessary. You have to find out all of the lacking in any videos.
                      i.        After select your title research first from youtube and google.
                    ii.        Find out your strong opponents in youtube & follow technique of them. You can find out some valuable tags from there. Look at them title, descriptions, tags and others option. Don’t try to copy them just collect some techniques.
                   iii.        Research what types video are more visited.
                   iv.        Find out why youtube only some of videos are showing first. Why not your video?
                     v.        What type’s videos are most popular?
                   vi.        What does YouTube or Google actually want?
                  vii.        How running your videos?
                 viii.        Look at the audience comment and suggestion.
                   ix.        What time is the best for marketing for this video? & what time the audience is mostly active?
                    x.        How old
                   xi.        How many posts are perfect in a single week?

To build up good relation, brand awareness, more engagement we asked some question to our targeted audience. These question patterns are following as under-
1. Is Diet or Exercise More Important for Weight Loss?

2. How Often Should I Eat to Lose Weight?

3. Can I Drink Alcohol/Soda/Sweet Tea/Juice and Still Lose Weight?

4. How Many Calories Do I Need to Lose Weight?

5. What Type of Exercise is best for Weight Loss?

6. How Much Water Should I Drink to Maximize Weight Loss?

7. Is Sleep Important for Weight Loss?

8. What is the Best Way to Track Weight Loss Goals?

9. Are There Certain Foods I Should Avoid to See the Best Results?

10. How Do I Speed Up My Weight Loss?

ÿ Resolve (6)–

o   No one who get success without any failure. So you may face some problem, it’s normal. You have to face and resolve this.
o   At first selects your problem then list of this and then tries to solve it.
o   Reply quickly all of the audience’s comment.
o   Must mention them with thanks.
o   If necessary edit or add your old video.



  1. M (Market) Audience and place- Targeted.
  2. M (Media) your choosing media (sm, phone, email etc.)
  3. M (Message) your message sends them.

remember 6 steps and with related some useful strategies:
·         Keep it short (video).
·         Show viewers what you're all about.
·         Make the most of the first 5 seconds.
·         Use calls to action (CTA).
·         Give users time to take that action.
·         Give your ad a viewer-friendly title.
·         Upload to the channel you're promoting.
·         Upload weekly 1-3 video minimum.

v  Remember, delete your hesitation and call me to solve any PROBLEM. Honestly, I am not for you just for deal. You can contact with me any time. My dream JUST I will be a good FREELANCER with good service and relation. Must call me in any problem and I’ll try my level best to solve your problem.

Thanks... Nayan Mia

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