(Updated- October 2020)Facebook Professional Guide, Facebook Full course Marketing Plan FREE

-Facebook Guide-
Free Facebook Full course Marketing Plan 2020. 


An effective social media (Facebook) marketing help you to achieve your company’s goal.


There are so many goal I will focus on like as – Brand promotion, page like, page engagement, caught traffic, inspire people to take your product etc.

There are also the challenges of figuring out how to make sure your social media goals are aligned with your overall company goal.

I work for achieving your goal in 5 effective steps.

So let`s get start!.........


In this marketing plan I`d love to share a framework that I use to make sure my social media marketing effective.


ü  I will 3 posts every day. Such as- one content post, one quote post and one web product related post.
Content Post: (1) Infographics, (2) Videos; (3) Product reviews/ Article & (4) Podcast/ Audio.
Do this: (i) Post, (ii) engagement & (iii) Market Research.
ü  Following weight loss related people and unfollow who are not response within 48 hours.
ü  Join 5 weight loss related groups.
ü  Join/ Attend the event related Event (Most Important).
ü  Conversation includes like, comments, reply back message etc.

Ø   To growing audience I will.....
ü  I will 03 posts every day. Every post will be different.
ü   Tips for losing weight
ü  Quote about weight loos.
ü  Website content.
ü  I follow 20-30 people per day and unfollow who is not follow/reply back.
Will follow who are wanting to lose weight.
ü  Use Hash tags to Link Posts to a Certain Topic
ü  Post content with imooji, quote, link etc.
ü  Use Facebook Plugins to easily grow your followers.
ü  Use Facebook ads (If you want).
ü  I will also post picture content that’s more effective.
ü  For boost engagement I will likes, share, and comments per post, mention and reply all targeted weight loss post.
ü  Always product (weight loss) related post may harm for collecting audience So sometime I post inspires quote, famous people quote and entertaining post.
ü  I also post special day post like mother`s day, worker`s day, victory day etc.
ü  I also create and schedule your status update.
ü  Create and promote brand content that help to our company to achive premier option.
ü  I also asked question to our audience about our product and promotion so that we took necessary step to improve our brand.


Effective Marketing Days / which days I will market more.


Figure: Weekly time spend on facebook.

A market research shows that people of Maximum area’s people use Facebook more Saturday , Sunday , Thursday and Friday. So these days marketing more effective for us.

When our status and share become beneficial......

Statistics show that posting 3 pm will get you more click. Where 1 pm will get you more share.

Besides that People seem to be happier on Friday. So funny or upbeat content will fit right in to that happiness index.


To build up good relation, brand awareness, more engagement we asked some question to our targeted audience. These question patterns are following as under-
1. Is Diet or Exercise More Important for Weight Loss?

2. How Often Should I Eat to Lose Weight?

3. Can I Drink Alcohol/Soda/Sweet Tea/Juice and Still Lose Weight?

4. How Many Calories Do I Need to Lose Weight?

5. What Type of Exercise is best for Weight Loss?

6. How Much Water Should I Drink to Maximize Weight Loss?

7. Is Sleep Important for Weight Loss?

8. What is the Best Way to Track Weight Loss Goals?

9. Are There Certain Foods I Should Avoid to See the Best Results?

10. How Do I Speed Up My Weight Loss?


Facebook Statistics That`s help us to take right decision:

Every single day 2.5 billion new items of content are shared on Facebook alone. To stand out from a crowd of that size you really need to offer something of value.  If you want to drive brand awareness, re tweets and shares will put your content in front of people who might not have seen it otherwise.
Statistics show that the use of emoticons will boost the engagement of your posts. Using emoticons will boost the share and comment rate of your posts, and can help increase likes by as much as 57%.
Facebook users alone watch 100 million hours of video every single day.
The best video length for Facebook engagement is about 1 minute and 30 seconds.
eMarketer reports that people on Facebook who post images measure a higher engagement rate, suggesting that fans are 87% more likely to engage with image content than posts without.
According to the Eye View Digital report, landing pages with videos improve conversion rates by 80 percent.
Perhaps your target audience loves using Facebook to browse through news stories. If that’s the case, post more newsworthy content.
Visual.ly, Easel.ly and Canva helps you easily create image content like quotes, charts, memes or info graphics.
In addition to visual content, there are other tactics that are often quoted to increase engagement on social media:
Ask questions;
Run a poll;
Run a competition;
Use weight loss relevant hash tags;

Half of your work!

Related hashtags to increase engagement and followers

#weight #weihtloss #lifestyle #healthyliving #fitness #healthy #fitfam #weightlossjourney #motivation #workout #fit #diet #gym #eatclean #fitspo #health #cleaneating #beauty #beautiful #nice #good_looking #exercise #nutrition #bodybuilding #healthyeating #healthyfood #food #getfit #instafit #cardio #transformation #inspiration #training #foodporn #goals #fatloss #lifestyle #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #healthychoices #abs #muscle #slimmingworld #breakfast #protein #gymlife #weightwatchers #love #fitlife #progress #girlswholift #fitgirl #instafood #fitmom #fitnessaddict #fitspiration #fitnessjourney

Germany Weight Loss Related Hashtags:
#Gewicht #Gewichtsverlust #gesund #Gewichtsverlust #trainieren # Diät #passen #gesundes_essen #Eiweiß #Muskel #Liebe #Lebensmittel #schwimmen #aufwachen #Fettabbau

What’ll happen?
*        Audience will find you easily.
*        It works as SEO.
*        Help to increase your website traffic.
*        Your sell will increase.
*        You can find your weight loss targeted audience (People, group, event).
*        You can find your competitor (gather some knowledge from there).
*        You can get more ideas from there. 

*        Do not use so many hashtags in a single post (4-5 maximum).
*        Use most popular hashtags but not irrelevant.
*        Use English & Germany both hashtags (but English hashtags will help to grow fast).

Some Germany Weight Loss Related Groups Link:

Use hashtags for searching-

What’ll happen?
*        You will get most weight loss targeted audience here.
*        You can share your post here.
*        You can gather some valuable information from here.

What’ll do?
*        You will join some of weight loss groups daily.
*        You can try to be friend them.
*        After join you will try to engage the targeted person (like, comment, share & mention).
*        You can question them about some of weight loss.
*        Share your own experience about you when you will fat, and then you can tell her about your website (You will female for her).
*        Post some free tips about health or weight loss.
*        You can call them at a right time in your web.
*        Do not try to join more than 5 groups daily.
*        Do not try to post spam way.
*        Obviously they would be targeted.
*        Try to create your personalize in this groups.

Some Germany Weight Loss Related Events:

Use hashtags for searching-

What’ll happen?
*        You will get most weight loss targeted audience here.
*        You can gather some valuable information from here.

What’ll do?
*        You will join/attend some of weight loss event.
*        You can make friend this super targeted weight loss related audience.  
*        They are super targeted audience who will attend a weight loss event.

Some Germany Weight Loss Related Competitors:

Use hashtags for searching-

What’ll happen?
*        You can get some techniques form a Strong Competitors.
*        You will get some weight loss targeted audience from their fans like.  

What’ll do?
*        You can follow opponent’s good content and all of the valuable techniques.
*        You can send friend request some of targeted audience of it.  
*        You can like and reply the audience’s comment and keep a question.
*        Do not try to follow all of competitor’s, you can collect some valuable techniques from a better competitor.


Schedule Post (Hootsuite):

Hootsuite is the most popular and important tool for facebook post.
You can set schedule post there. You can schedule for future and also can set a past dated post on facebook.
You can 03 pages post at the same time by only one browser and a PC.

N. B.
·         You can make your facebook friends/follower maximum 5,000 but page fans unlimited.
·         You have to make at less 02 admin in your facebook page and 01 in particular needs to be preserved. I mean, your fan page depends on your admin account.
·         You will do your work from a different account that is not main admin in your business page.
·         Don’t forget that your marketing is depending on your page and page on account. 

Remember, without any hesitate to talk to me any problems that could. Actually, I am not for you just for deal. You can contact with me any time. (Nayan Mia

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